Before Intravenous Anesthesia Sedation
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing, short sleeved shirt for IV access
- Remove jewelry, contact lenses
- Remove finger nail polish
- Wear flat soled shoes
- Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen for one week prior to surgery
- Abstain from cannabis products for 72 hours prior to surgery
- Have ice packs ready at home
- Stock up on soft, comfortable foods
- Take your preoperative antibiotics within two hours prior to surgery with a small sip of water
- Brush your teeth prior to surgery to reduce the chance of infection
- Avoid smoking and alcohol for 24 hours prior to surgery
- If having local anesthesia for surgery, then no fasting is required and you may drive yourself to and from surgery
- If having IV sedation for surgery, then six hours fasting from solids foods is required. Clear liquids are permissible in small amounts up to two hours before surgery. A responsible adult must be your driver/escort and be present in the office
- If desired, pineapple extract (Bromelain) may be taken postoperatively. There is modest evidence that it will reduce pain, swelling and limited mouth opening after surgery. VitaMedica sells a five day Bromelain pack for post-surgery and is available through